Year 2013
Duration 00:39:28
The idea of building a museum collection that captured the lives and cultures of peoples from all over Russia became a reality in the mid-19th century. The Russian Museum of Ethnography in St. Petersburg is home to one of the largest such collections in the world, numbering more than 600,000 items. The wide variety of exhibits includes items that range from things used in everyday life by simple peasants to valuable jewels presented to the imperial family. The museum collection is made up of cultural artifacts from different periods and peoples who at one time or another lived on Russian soil. Join host Maria Mumicheva and travel through time and history at The Russian Museum of Ethnography to learn about the peoples that have inhabited the largest country in the world.
Presenter Mariya Mumicheva
Year 2013
Duration 00:39:28
Presenter Mariya Mumicheva
The idea of building a museum collection that captured the lives and cultures of peoples from all over Russia became a reality in the mid-19th century. The Russian Museum of Ethnography in St. Petersburg is home to one of the largest such collections in the world, numbering more than 600,000 items. The wide variety of exhibits includes items that range from things used in everyday life by simple peasants to valuable jewels presented to the imperial family. The museum collection is made up of cultural artifacts from different periods and peoples who at one time or another lived on Russian soil. Join host Maria Mumicheva and travel through time and history at The Russian Museum of Ethnography to learn about the peoples that have inhabited the largest country in the world.
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