A unique documentary television channel about Russia, RTG TV first began broadcasting on May 1, 2009. At present, it is transmitted to 15 million subscribers in Russia through satellite and cable networks and national and regional operators.
A unique documentary television channel about Russia, RTG TV first began broadcasting on May 1, 2009. At present, it is transmitted to 15 million subscribers in Russia through satellite and cable networks and national and regional operators.
A documentary television channel in the high definition format, RTG HD began broadcasting on August 1, 2013, and at present can be accessed by 10 million subscribers around the world. The themes of the programs on RTG HD coincide with those of RTG TV, though the television channels have different film archives and broadcasting schedules.
The RTG int. television channel began broadcasting on November 1, 2013, in the English and Russian languages for 5 million viewers in 20 countries around the world. RTG int. television viewers watch programs about incredible journeys to an incredibly varied range of locations around the world.