
Auto Race Around Places of Military Glory

During the celebration of anniversary of Victory in the Great World War II of The Soviet Union over Nazi Germany 1941-1945 the members of All-Russian Society of the Deaf, paralympic sportsmen and veterans of local wars set out to Moscow-Sochi auto race. The participants visited cities of military glory, the citizens of which displayed courage, fortitude and heroism.

Presenter Aleksandr Uvarov

Year 2010

Duration 00:34:11

Presenter Aleksandr Uvarov

During the celebration of anniversary of Victory in the Great World War II of The Soviet Union over Nazi Germany 1941-1945 the members of All-Russian Society of the Deaf, paralympic sportsmen and veterans of local wars set out to Moscow-Sochi auto race. The participants visited cities of military glory, the citizens of which displayed courage, fortitude and heroism.

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