
Berkuts — Russian Airforce Flying Team

The city of Torzhok was founded more than 1,000 years ago by Novgorodian merchants at the intersection of important trade routes. Its historical and cultural heritage has been preserved on the quiet, provincial streets and by the surrounding gardens of the area’s one-story houses. But Torzhok was not always known simply for its quiet environment and uneventful everyday life. It is here that the Combat Employment and Retraining Centre of Army Aviation – the institution Russian Air Force pilots attend in order to improve their skills and to learn how to fly new types of military helicopters - is located. The fame of Torzhok’s aviation centre even brought the «Berkuty» or Golden Eagle aerobatic team - the only one in the world to showcase its skills in military helicopters - to the city. Host Alexander Uvarov learned about all of the intricacies of piloting military helicopters and got to see the legendary rotary-wing machines.

Presenter Aleksandr Uvarov

Year 2012

Duration 00:49:37

Presenter Aleksandr Uvarov

The city of Torzhok was founded more than 1,000 years ago by Novgorodian merchants at the intersection of important trade routes. Its historical and cultural heritage has been preserved on the quiet, provincial streets and by the surrounding gardens of the area’s one-story houses. But Torzhok was not always known simply for its quiet environment and uneventful everyday life. It is here that the Combat Employment and Retraining Centre of Army Aviation – the institution Russian Air Force pilots attend in order to improve their skills and to learn how to fly new types of military helicopters - is located. The fame of Torzhok’s aviation centre even brought the «Berkuty» or Golden Eagle aerobatic team - the only one in the world to showcase its skills in military helicopters - to the city. Host Alexander Uvarov learned about all of the intricacies of piloting military helicopters and got to see the legendary rotary-wing machines.

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