
Yuri Molodkovets — the Hermitage's chief photographer

Yury Molodkovets is the head photographer at The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, a treasury of world art. There his primary job is to capture the museum’s paintings and sculptures on film, which will later be printed in various catalogues, posters, albums and postcards. In doing this Molodkovets’ goal is not to add his own interpretation and expression, but rather to catch and transfer the beauty and interpretation the pieces’ original authors hoped to portray. Even though the photographer is subject to such strict conditions, his constant interaction with such world-caliber works have undoubtedly had a strong impact on Molodkovets’ inner world. This is one of the reasons that he considers the Hermitage to be his most important and influential teacher. Molodkovets is a recognised expert at being able to see the art and beauty in the simple things which surround us and being able to create it out of the most ordinary of subjects. Using people, objects and events Yury Molodkovets knows how to combine these subjects to tell a story which grows to be much more than a simple composition of people, objects and events.

Yıl 2013

Zaman 00:35:48

Yury Molodkovets is the head photographer at The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, a treasury of world art. There his primary job is to capture the museum’s paintings and sculptures on film, which will later be printed in various catalogues, posters, albums and postcards. In doing this Molodkovets’ goal is not to add his own interpretation and expression, but rather to catch and transfer the beauty and interpretation the pieces’ original authors hoped to portray. Even though the photographer is subject to such strict conditions, his constant interaction with such world-caliber works have undoubtedly had a strong impact on Molodkovets’ inner world. This is one of the reasons that he considers the Hermitage to be his most important and influential teacher. Molodkovets is a recognised expert at being able to see the art and beauty in the simple things which surround us and being able to create it out of the most ordinary of subjects. Using people, objects and events Yury Molodkovets knows how to combine these subjects to tell a story which grows to be much more than a simple composition of people, objects and events.

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