
Siberian Cuisine

Only a century ago Novosibirsk was a small village, founded by bridge builders. Today it's Russia's third largest city, where one can have a wonderful holiday and get acquainted with traditions of local cuisine. The presenter Igor Vukolov visited the restaurant «Tsarskaya Okhota», where he succeeded in preparing some Siberian dishes. Together with the chief cook he prepared stroganina of roe, which is indigenously Siberian meal, learnt how to chop roe and knead with his own hand dough for pies with hare's liver. In the process of culinary training he founded out that dishes of Siberian cuisine go perfectly with European garnishes. Recipe «Grilled dear meat» Recipe «Roe stroganina»   Recipe «Pies with hare liver» Grilled dear meat recipe serves 2 persons; cooking time ~ 35 minutes Ingredients: For main course: 400 g. brisket of deer, red wine. For garnish 1: 3 Bulgarian pepper of different colours, ½ eggplant, ½ zucchini, ½ onion, salt, pepper. For garnish 2: 1 potato, 100-120 g. celery root, 50-70 g. cream. For sauce: 50 g. red dry wine, 50 g. port wine, 100 g. blackberry, some thyme and rosemary. Directions: Cut meat into medallions and beat it off. Pour with red wine, season and leave to marinade for 15-20 minutes. Prepare garnish №1. Cut Bulgarian peppers into long dices. Cut zucchini and eggplant into rings. Place vegetables into a deep dish, cut onion into large pieces and put above, salt all, season and mix. Leave for some time to marinade. Grill with meat for 3-4 minutes. Prepare garnish 2. Peel potato and celery root, cut into dices and put into water so that they soften. Place vegetables into a deep stewing pan, add cream, bring to boil and put off the fire. Blend until smooth. Prepare sauce. Warm up a small pan and add wine, bring to boil. Add port wine and blackberry. Let berries boil thoroughly for 2-3 minutes. Pour sauce into the blender, add thyme and rosemary and grind. Run blackberry-wine mix through a sieve and boil out liquid so that sauce thicken. Put pickled meat and vegetables into grill. Roast meat for 4 minutes from both sides, and vegetables for 3-4 minutes. Serve with both garnishes and blackberry sauce. Roe stroganina recipe serves 2 persons; cooking time ~ 2,5 hours Ingredients: 200-300 g. brisket of roe, ½ bunch of mint, ½ bunch of basil, 2 tablespoon olive oil, salt, marjoram, seasoning Orange Pepper (black pepper, salt, rind of orange) food wrap. For garnish: 100 g. cowberries, 1 teaspoon gelatin, 1 bunch of rocket, 100 g. pickled mushrooms, 150 g. Padano cheese, ½ lemon, 3 tablespoon olive oil. Directions: Cut meat lengthwise, cut off unnecessary film and beat it off to make the surface widen. Put mint, basil into blender, pour with olive oil, add salt, marjoram and seasoning Orange pepper. Blend all the ingredients until pasta. Salt meat, put pasta above and roll throughly each piece so that you have a little roll, then wrap up with food film. Fasten the edges of the film tightly from both sides of the roll and roll as if a sweet wrapper. Leave for 2 hours in a fridge. Prepare garnish. Blend cowberries. Melt gelatin in cold boiled (!!!) water, put on medium fire, pour into cowberry syrup stirring constantly. Pour it out into moulds and leave in a fridge until jelly. After freezing unroll the roe pie and cut at an angle into thin dices. Serve with cowberry jelly. Pies with hare liver recipe serves 2 persons; cooking time ~ 1 hour 10 minutes Ingredients: For pastry: 1 glass flour, 2 eggs, 1 pack dry yeast, 150 ml. milk, 1 teaspoon sugar. For stuffing: 1 carrot, 1 onion, 200 g. hare liver, seasoning for grill, 150 ml. cream (33% fat). Directions: Prepare stuffing. Cut liver into dices and roast in a pan. Grate carrot and onion and add to liver. Roast on medium fire for 8-10 minutes. Cool roasted vegetables and liver, add cream and blend until smooth until smooth, salt and season. Prepare pastry. Sift flour so that it becomes full of oxygen and pastry rises quickly. Dilute dry yeast in milk and add sugar. Put eggs into flour, pour yeast into it, knead the dough and leave in warm place so that it rises. Roll pastry into small rings. Pour some olive oil in the center of each ring so that the pie isn't dry. Put minced hare meat by even layer, fasten edges thoroughly to prevent stuffing go out. Then put pies into a deep form (oiled in advance). Leave in warm place for 5 minutes, bake until pies get crusted over.

Önemli Igor' Vukolov

Yıl 2010

Zaman 00:22:50

Önemli Igor' Vukolov

Only a century ago Novosibirsk was a small village, founded by bridge builders. Today it's Russia's third largest city, where one can have a wonderful holiday and get acquainted with traditions of local cuisine. The presenter Igor Vukolov visited the restaurant «Tsarskaya Okhota», where he succeeded in preparing some Siberian dishes. Together with the chief cook he prepared stroganina of roe, which is indigenously Siberian meal, learnt how to chop roe and knead with his own hand dough for pies with hare's liver. In the process of culinary training he founded out that dishes of Siberian cuisine go perfectly with European garnishes. Recipe «Grilled dear meat» Recipe «Roe stroganina»   Recipe «Pies with hare liver» Grilled dear meat recipe serves 2 persons; cooking time ~ 35 minutes Ingredients: For main course: 400 g. brisket of deer, red wine. For garnish 1: 3 Bulgarian pepper of different colours, ½ eggplant, ½ zucchini, ½ onion, salt, pepper. For garnish 2: 1 potato, 100-120 g. celery root, 50-70 g. cream. For sauce: 50 g. red dry wine, 50 g. port wine, 100 g. blackberry, some thyme and rosemary. Directions: Cut meat into medallions and beat it off. Pour with red wine, season and leave to marinade for 15-20 minutes. Prepare garnish №1. Cut Bulgarian peppers into long dices. Cut zucchini and eggplant into rings. Place vegetables into a deep dish, cut onion into large pieces and put above, salt all, season and mix. Leave for some time to marinade. Grill with meat for 3-4 minutes. Prepare garnish 2. Peel potato and celery root, cut into dices and put into water so that they soften. Place vegetables into a deep stewing pan, add cream, bring to boil and put off the fire. Blend until smooth. Prepare sauce. Warm up a small pan and add wine, bring to boil. Add port wine and blackberry. Let berries boil thoroughly for 2-3 minutes. Pour sauce into the blender, add thyme and rosemary and grind. Run blackberry-wine mix through a sieve and boil out liquid so that sauce thicken. Put pickled meat and vegetables into grill. Roast meat for 4 minutes from both sides, and vegetables for 3-4 minutes. Serve with both garnishes and blackberry sauce. Roe stroganina recipe serves 2 persons; cooking time ~ 2,5 hours Ingredients: 200-300 g. brisket of roe, ½ bunch of mint, ½ bunch of basil, 2 tablespoon olive oil, salt, marjoram, seasoning Orange Pepper (black pepper, salt, rind of orange) food wrap. For garnish: 100 g. cowberries, 1 teaspoon gelatin, 1 bunch of rocket, 100 g. pickled mushrooms, 150 g. Padano cheese, ½ lemon, 3 tablespoon olive oil. Directions: Cut meat lengthwise, cut off unnecessary film and beat it off to make the surface widen. Put mint, basil into blender, pour with olive oil, add salt, marjoram and seasoning Orange pepper. Blend all the ingredients until pasta. Salt meat, put pasta above and roll throughly each piece so that you have a little roll, then wrap up with food film. Fasten the edges of the film tightly from both sides of the roll and roll as if a sweet wrapper. Leave for 2 hours in a fridge. Prepare garnish. Blend cowberries. Melt gelatin in cold boiled (!!!) water, put on medium fire, pour into cowberry syrup stirring constantly. Pour it out into moulds and leave in a fridge until jelly. After freezing unroll the roe pie and cut at an angle into thin dices. Serve with cowberry jelly. Pies with hare liver recipe serves 2 persons; cooking time ~ 1 hour 10 minutes Ingredients: For pastry: 1 glass flour, 2 eggs, 1 pack dry yeast, 150 ml. milk, 1 teaspoon sugar. For stuffing: 1 carrot, 1 onion, 200 g. hare liver, seasoning for grill, 150 ml. cream (33% fat). Directions: Prepare stuffing. Cut liver into dices and roast in a pan. Grate carrot and onion and add to liver. Roast on medium fire for 8-10 minutes. Cool roasted vegetables and liver, add cream and blend until smooth until smooth, salt and season. Prepare pastry. Sift flour so that it becomes full of oxygen and pastry rises quickly. Dilute dry yeast in milk and add sugar. Put eggs into flour, pour yeast into it, knead the dough and leave in warm place so that it rises. Roll pastry into small rings. Pour some olive oil in the center of each ring so that the pie isn't dry. Put minced hare meat by even layer, fasten edges thoroughly to prevent stuffing go out. Then put pies into a deep form (oiled in advance). Leave in warm place for 5 minutes, bake until pies get crusted over.

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