Year 2013
Duration 00:23:03
Every old park has its own unique character and atmosphere. The Tauride Gardens are a natural haven in the middle of St. Petersburg and perhaps this is for this is the key to their popularity. Artists love them for their picturesque quality, children for their sunshine, athletes for the fresh air and young people for their democratic character. Like any old park, the Tauride Gardens have a rich and vivid history in which many outstanding figures have played an important role. In the 18th century Grigory Potemkin and Catherine the Second strolled along the garden’s shady paths while nowadays all people are welcome to do this!
Presenter Rumiya Niyazova
Year 2013
Duration 00:23:03
Presenter Rumiya Niyazova
Every old park has its own unique character and atmosphere. The Tauride Gardens are a natural haven in the middle of St. Petersburg and perhaps this is for this is the key to their popularity. Artists love them for their picturesque quality, children for their sunshine, athletes for the fresh air and young people for their democratic character. Like any old park, the Tauride Gardens have a rich and vivid history in which many outstanding figures have played an important role. In the 18th century Grigory Potemkin and Catherine the Second strolled along the garden’s shady paths while nowadays all people are welcome to do this!
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