
Geography of taste. Pea porridge with quail and mushroom sauce

The cuisine of any people is formed by the region in which they live. Since the key features of the northern latitudes are endless forests and long winters, the Russian table has an abundance of hot soups, salted delicacies, fermented dishes, mushrooms, wild game, and all types of porridge. Porridges are a favourite of people in modern Russia to this day, made from oats, wheat, and barley. In the old days, however, the most popular porridge was made from peas – pea porridge. In our times, chefs are rethinking old Russian culinary traditions. Many restaurants, thanks to modern technology and fashionable gastronomical trends, are bringing back old recipes, allowing today’s gourmands to rediscover their taste. Host of The Geography of Taste, chef Vladimir Pavlov, has taken on the challenge of “resetting” the once beloved, now almost forgotten, and irresistibly tasty pea porridge. And he’s preparing quail and an unusual mushroom sauce to go with it, on a new edition of The Geography of Taste -- on Russian Travel Guide.

Presenter Vladimir Pavlov

Year 2023

Duration 00:27:39

Presenter Vladimir Pavlov

The cuisine of any people is formed by the region in which they live. Since the key features of the northern latitudes are endless forests and long winters, the Russian table has an abundance of hot soups, salted delicacies, fermented dishes, mushrooms, wild game, and all types of porridge. Porridges are a favourite of people in modern Russia to this day, made from oats, wheat, and barley. In the old days, however, the most popular porridge was made from peas – pea porridge. In our times, chefs are rethinking old Russian culinary traditions. Many restaurants, thanks to modern technology and fashionable gastronomical trends, are bringing back old recipes, allowing today’s gourmands to rediscover their taste. Host of The Geography of Taste, chef Vladimir Pavlov, has taken on the challenge of “resetting” the once beloved, now almost forgotten, and irresistibly tasty pea porridge. And he’s preparing quail and an unusual mushroom sauce to go with it, on a new edition of The Geography of Taste -- on Russian Travel Guide.

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