
Donskoi monastery

The Donskoy Monastery is one of Moscow’s oldest — it was founded in the late 16th century by Tsar Fyodor the First as a sign of gratitude for the help received in protecting the city from the forces of the Crimean Khan Kazy, Girai. Active since the day it was founded, Donskoy welcomes new inhabitants to its monastery every year. The monastery is home to one of the most revered icons in the Orthodox world — The Donskoy icon of the Mother of God, which hundreds of believers visit every day to see and pray to. The Donskoy Monastery’s necropolis is another interesting sight and is nowadays the oldest surviving cemetary in Moscow in which distinguished Russian figures are buried. One of the most important ceremonies carried out at the monastery is in preparation of chrism, the consecrated oil and balsam mixture used during baptisms and other religious ceremonies. During this sacred rite, 300 litres of chrism are prepared, after which they are sent to all of the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. 

Presenter Aleksandr Uvarov

Year 2013

Duration 00:51:11

Presenter Aleksandr Uvarov

The Donskoy Monastery is one of Moscow’s oldest — it was founded in the late 16th century by Tsar Fyodor the First as a sign of gratitude for the help received in protecting the city from the forces of the Crimean Khan Kazy, Girai. Active since the day it was founded, Donskoy welcomes new inhabitants to its monastery every year. The monastery is home to one of the most revered icons in the Orthodox world — The Donskoy icon of the Mother of God, which hundreds of believers visit every day to see and pray to. The Donskoy Monastery’s necropolis is another interesting sight and is nowadays the oldest surviving cemetary in Moscow in which distinguished Russian figures are buried. One of the most important ceremonies carried out at the monastery is in preparation of chrism, the consecrated oil and balsam mixture used during baptisms and other religious ceremonies. During this sacred rite, 300 litres of chrism are prepared, after which they are sent to all of the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. 

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