Сity Walks
Сity Walks
Year 2011
Duration 00:52:42
Kolomna, a city with over 8 centuries of history behind it, was once one of the main forposts on the route to Moscow from the south-east, and from that era the magnificent ‘kreml’ or fortress has survived, as well as several monasteries and wonderful merchant architecture. Host Olga Degtaryova explores the main sites in the city that has been home, at different times, to Ivan Lazhechnikov and Boris Pilnyak, and which the poet Anna Akhmatova visited. Together with RTG TV you visit a private museum that focuses on the merchant class which has over 7,000 exhibits, to a crafts center where you learn to sew doll-talismans and see a magnificent, 5-meter work with views of the city. Also you visit one of Russia’s oldest spiritual seminaries where renowned Russian Orthodox priests have been taught.
Presenter Ol'ga Degtyareva
Year 2011
Duration 00:52:42
Presenter Ol'ga Degtyareva
Kolomna, a city with over 8 centuries of history behind it, was once one of the main forposts on the route to Moscow from the south-east, and from that era the magnificent ‘kreml’ or fortress has survived, as well as several monasteries and wonderful merchant architecture. Host Olga Degtaryova explores the main sites in the city that has been home, at different times, to Ivan Lazhechnikov and Boris Pilnyak, and which the poet Anna Akhmatova visited. Together with RTG TV you visit a private museum that focuses on the merchant class which has over 7,000 exhibits, to a crafts center where you learn to sew doll-talismans and see a magnificent, 5-meter work with views of the city. Also you visit one of Russia’s oldest spiritual seminaries where renowned Russian Orthodox priests have been taught.
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