Сity Walks

Historic Tour of Kazan

Kazan is geographical center of Russia and Volga Region, it is a city with population over 1 million of people and besides it is a capital of Tatarstan. It is situated 800 km from Moscow straight on the border of European and Asian cultures, Islam and Orthodoxy, East and West. In 2005 Kazan had a grand celebration of its Millennium. For several years there were debates about the real age of the city. Archaeologists from all over the world confirmed the great age of the city. Kazan is the place where an outstanding Russian singer Feodor Shalyapin was born and where people could hear his voice for the first time. Our presenter Diana Pylaeva is walking around historical places of Kazan and tells about city sights. For example about one of the eldest streets, which is former Bolshaya Prolomnaya. During the assault of Ivan the Terrible the Kremlin Walls were exploded and on the spot of the explosion there appeared a tunnel, which later became a street. Now this is Bauman Street or Kazan Arbat. The majority of city sights is concentrated here. The “ginger” of the city is local subway, which is sometimes jokingly called the shortest subway in the world as it has only 6 stations. 

Presenter Diana Pylaeva

Year 2009

Duration 00:25:17

Presenter Diana Pylaeva

Kazan is geographical center of Russia and Volga Region, it is a city with population over 1 million of people and besides it is a capital of Tatarstan. It is situated 800 km from Moscow straight on the border of European and Asian cultures, Islam and Orthodoxy, East and West. In 2005 Kazan had a grand celebration of its Millennium. For several years there were debates about the real age of the city. Archaeologists from all over the world confirmed the great age of the city. Kazan is the place where an outstanding Russian singer Feodor Shalyapin was born and where people could hear his voice for the first time. Our presenter Diana Pylaeva is walking around historical places of Kazan and tells about city sights. For example about one of the eldest streets, which is former Bolshaya Prolomnaya. During the assault of Ivan the Terrible the Kremlin Walls were exploded and on the spot of the explosion there appeared a tunnel, which later became a street. Now this is Bauman Street or Kazan Arbat. The majority of city sights is concentrated here. The “ginger” of the city is local subway, which is sometimes jokingly called the shortest subway in the world as it has only 6 stations. 

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