
Etho Festival Lud

Efforts of Izhma residents to preserve the village’s traditional crafts, culture and old customs have both brought the small village fame and serve as a strong attraction for tourists. Once a year, at the beginning of July, hundreds – even thousands of people from all over Russia flock to Izhma in order to take part in the colourful national holiday, Lud.

Presenter Andrey Ivanov

Year 2012

Duration 00:25:00

Presenter Andrey Ivanov

Efforts of Izhma residents to preserve the village’s traditional crafts, culture and old customs have both brought the small village fame and serve as a strong attraction for tourists. Once a year, at the beginning of July, hundreds – even thousands of people from all over Russia flock to Izhma in order to take part in the colourful national holiday, Lud.

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