Cruises and Tours

Diving Safari on Ladoga Lake

Severe nature, granite rocks and reach history. Thousands of tourists come there for this annually. The presenter Igor Vukolov set out to Ladoga by special diving-equipped speed-boat «Sea Hunter». The sea bottom is considered to be a peculiar underwater museum. Hundreds of vessels, sunken in Lake Ladoga in the last and before last centuries, still lie under water thickness. Together with divers from Saint-Petersburg Igor Vukolov will sink to the bottom and view several of preserved ships. There's for sure something interesting in their holds.

Presenter Igor' Vukolov

Year 2009

Duration 00:24:24

Presenter Igor' Vukolov

Severe nature, granite rocks and reach history. Thousands of tourists come there for this annually. The presenter Igor Vukolov set out to Ladoga by special diving-equipped speed-boat «Sea Hunter». The sea bottom is considered to be a peculiar underwater museum. Hundreds of vessels, sunken in Lake Ladoga in the last and before last centuries, still lie under water thickness. Together with divers from Saint-Petersburg Igor Vukolov will sink to the bottom and view several of preserved ships. There's for sure something interesting in their holds.

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