Animal World
Animal World
Year 2010
Duration 00:35:34
Secret islands and its inhabitants. The RTG TV channel introduces representatives of vegetable kingdom of the Komandorski Islands — the remotest and most mysterious territory of Russia. Primordial flora and fauna of the archipelago lost in the northern latitudes of the Pacific Ocean are still preserved untouched. This is where rare animal species may be found including a north sea bear, a Steller sea-lion, a sea otter, a Steineger seal and a famous Tufted Puffin which is called northern parrot for its bright colouration. The vegetable kingdom of the Komandorski Islands is presented on Russian Travel Guide.
Presenter Igor' Maksimenko
Year 2010
Duration 00:35:34
Presenter Igor' Maksimenko
Secret islands and its inhabitants. The RTG TV channel introduces representatives of vegetable kingdom of the Komandorski Islands — the remotest and most mysterious territory of Russia. Primordial flora and fauna of the archipelago lost in the northern latitudes of the Pacific Ocean are still preserved untouched. This is where rare animal species may be found including a north sea bear, a Steller sea-lion, a sea otter, a Steineger seal and a famous Tufted Puffin which is called northern parrot for its bright colouration. The vegetable kingdom of the Komandorski Islands is presented on Russian Travel Guide.
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