
Svetlana Miller — parachutist

If nothing in life seems to be going right, turn to the sky and it will show you just how to regain faith in yourself. There, far above us all at a height of 5,000 metres, we can find a cloudy kingdom full of silence and tranquility. In this transparent sea of blue, sorrows disappear and are replaced by unrestrained delight and amazement. No one has found this to be truer than Svetlana Miller, record holder in the women’s parachuting event at the Pearl of Russia competition. She first visited the aerodrome after going through a divorce from her husband and parachuting helped her to get through this difficult time. After her jumps she couldn’t stop smiling or dreaming about when she would next conquer the skies and was distracted from worrying about her personal life. Now Svetlana regularly sails through the heavens, looking at the world through the clouds. She is also preparing to set another world record and spends much of her time under the air-filled dome of a parachute, where she has managed to find great happiness.

Yıl 2013

Zaman 00:24:40

If nothing in life seems to be going right, turn to the sky and it will show you just how to regain faith in yourself. There, far above us all at a height of 5,000 metres, we can find a cloudy kingdom full of silence and tranquility. In this transparent sea of blue, sorrows disappear and are replaced by unrestrained delight and amazement. No one has found this to be truer than Svetlana Miller, record holder in the women’s parachuting event at the Pearl of Russia competition. She first visited the aerodrome after going through a divorce from her husband and parachuting helped her to get through this difficult time. After her jumps she couldn’t stop smiling or dreaming about when she would next conquer the skies and was distracted from worrying about her personal life. Now Svetlana regularly sails through the heavens, looking at the world through the clouds. She is also preparing to set another world record and spends much of her time under the air-filled dome of a parachute, where she has managed to find great happiness.

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