
The Geography of Taste. Spinach Bliny with Salmon Rillette

“Trintsy-brintsy, bake some blintsy!” These are words one might have heard in Old Rus from masked children at Shrovetide. But why limit making bliny to Shrovetide? Vladimir Pavlov’s version of the most popular dish in Russian cuisine can and should be eaten year-round! Spinach bliny with salmon rillette and cream cheese. On Russian Travel Guide’s The Geography of Taste.

Önemli Vladimir Pavlov

Yıl 2022

Zaman 00:13:59

Önemli Vladimir Pavlov

“Trintsy-brintsy, bake some blintsy!” These are words one might have heard in Old Rus from masked children at Shrovetide. But why limit making bliny to Shrovetide? Vladimir Pavlov’s version of the most popular dish in Russian cuisine can and should be eaten year-round! Spinach bliny with salmon rillette and cream cheese. On Russian Travel Guide’s The Geography of Taste.

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