
Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate of Lev Tolstoi

He wrote War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Sunday and many other narratives, stories and articles. He is also one of the most famous Russian writers and thinkers of all time. All of Lev Tolstoy’s works are examples of moral and spiritual purity that cause readers themselves to reflect on the meaning of life, an individual’s search for spirituality and its meaning. Lev Tolstoy can be called the face of Russia in the eyes of the rest of the world, and rightly so. Yasnaya Polyana is one of the largest memorial museums in the world and was created almost 100 years ago. It is the Tolstoy family estate and the place where the great writer was born, wrote and lived. Almost everything at the museum has remained as it was during Tolstoy’s life and it is this atmosphere that helps visitors to better understand the essence and quest of Tolstoy’s genius and gain a different view of the life and creative work of the great literary figure.

Önemli Irina Pudova

Yıl 2013

Zaman 00:47:03

Önemli Irina Pudova

He wrote War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Sunday and many other narratives, stories and articles. He is also one of the most famous Russian writers and thinkers of all time. All of Lev Tolstoy’s works are examples of moral and spiritual purity that cause readers themselves to reflect on the meaning of life, an individual’s search for spirituality and its meaning. Lev Tolstoy can be called the face of Russia in the eyes of the rest of the world, and rightly so. Yasnaya Polyana is one of the largest memorial museums in the world and was created almost 100 years ago. It is the Tolstoy family estate and the place where the great writer was born, wrote and lived. Almost everything at the museum has remained as it was during Tolstoy’s life and it is this atmosphere that helps visitors to better understand the essence and quest of Tolstoy’s genius and gain a different view of the life and creative work of the great literary figure.

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