
Restaurant «Za Stsenoj». Theatre Dinner

It was within these walls that the famed tenor would study new parts,preparing for concerts on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, and put on artistic evenings for his colleagues. And in our own time this building has become a place where theatrical stars of an international standing come to meet. Evidence of that can be seen in the autographs on the walls: Valery Gergiev, Placido Domingo, Maya Plisetskaya, Elena Obraztsova, Nikolai Tsiskaridze - the list is too long to be given in full. The show's host has immersed herself in the history of the legendary Mariinsky Theater and found out which dishes the restaurant serves for its most famous guests.   Recipe «Asparagus and a poached egg in Hollandaise sauce»   Recipe «Sole in a butter sauce with capers» Recipe «Melon «Мilfei»   Asparagus and a poached egg in Hollandaise sauce recipe serves 4 persons; preparation time ~ 50 minutes; cooking time ~ 15 minutes Ingredients: 300 g. salmon, 50 g. sugar, 1 lemon, 1 orange, fresh dill, 10 g. cognac, 4 eggs, vinegar, 50 g. butter, 100 g. asparagus, 30 g. red caviar. Directions: Salt the fish and sprinkle it with the sugar and chopped dill. Squeeze on the lemon and orange juice and last of all, pour on the cognac. Leave the fish to marinate for 40 minutes. Boil the asparagus for 1 minute, adding in salt, sugar and lemon juice. Poach the eggs by adding salt and vinegar into boiling water. Briskly whisk the water and carefully add in the egg. Continue to boil the egg on low heat until cooked. To make the Hollandaise sauce, beat 3 egg yolks, adding salt and pepper and put in a double boiler. Then, while stirring, pour in the melted butter in a thin stream. Mix well and the sauce is ready. Garnish the poached egg with red caviar, thinly cut slices of the marinated salmon, the asparagus and the Hollandaise sauce. Sole in a butter sauce with capers recipe serves 2 persons; preparation time ~ 10 minutes; cooking time ~ 30 minutes Ingredients: 500 g. sole, 100 g. butter, 1 lemon, 1 tomato, 200 g. capers, fresh dill, pepper, salt. Directions: Make a small cut near the fish’s tail and, while holding it by the tail, carefully peel off the skin on both sides. Sprinkle the fish with salt and pepper and roll in the flour. Fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Then place the fish on an oven-safe dish and bake in the cooker at 180 degrees Celsius until done. To make the sauce, melt the butter and add salt. Then squeeze in half of the lemon. Remove the skin and the seeds from the tomato and finely chop. Add the chopped tomato to the sauce along with the capers. Fry in a pan for 5 minutes, then adding in the chopped dill. Serve the sole in butter sauce with boiled potatoes on the side. Melon «milfei» recipe serves 2 persons; preparation time ~ 10 minutes; cooking time ~ 10 minutes Ingredients: 1 orange, 1 grapefruit, 300 g. melon, 100 g. chocolate, 100 g. ice cream, shredded coconut, strawberries, gooseberries, fresh mint. Directions: Using a double boiler, melt the chocolate. Pour the melted chocolate into a frosting bag and squeeze out the chocolate onto wax paper in flat shapes. Then place the paper in the freezer so the chocolate can cool. Peel the grapefruit and orange and cut the fruit into wedges. Use a spoon to cut several circular chunks out of the melon. To make the coconut sauce, melt the ice cream in the double boiler and add in the shredded coconut. Mix. To give the dessert a tower-like form, alternately stack the slices of orange, grapefruit, chocolate and melon balls. Pour the coconut sauce on top and garnish with the strawberries, gooseberries and fresh mint leaves.

Önemli Rumiya Niyazova

Yıl 2010

Zaman 00:38:48

Önemli Rumiya Niyazova

It was within these walls that the famed tenor would study new parts,preparing for concerts on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, and put on artistic evenings for his colleagues. And in our own time this building has become a place where theatrical stars of an international standing come to meet. Evidence of that can be seen in the autographs on the walls: Valery Gergiev, Placido Domingo, Maya Plisetskaya, Elena Obraztsova, Nikolai Tsiskaridze - the list is too long to be given in full. The show's host has immersed herself in the history of the legendary Mariinsky Theater and found out which dishes the restaurant serves for its most famous guests.   Recipe «Asparagus and a poached egg in Hollandaise sauce»   Recipe «Sole in a butter sauce with capers» Recipe «Melon «Мilfei»   Asparagus and a poached egg in Hollandaise sauce recipe serves 4 persons; preparation time ~ 50 minutes; cooking time ~ 15 minutes Ingredients: 300 g. salmon, 50 g. sugar, 1 lemon, 1 orange, fresh dill, 10 g. cognac, 4 eggs, vinegar, 50 g. butter, 100 g. asparagus, 30 g. red caviar. Directions: Salt the fish and sprinkle it with the sugar and chopped dill. Squeeze on the lemon and orange juice and last of all, pour on the cognac. Leave the fish to marinate for 40 minutes. Boil the asparagus for 1 minute, adding in salt, sugar and lemon juice. Poach the eggs by adding salt and vinegar into boiling water. Briskly whisk the water and carefully add in the egg. Continue to boil the egg on low heat until cooked. To make the Hollandaise sauce, beat 3 egg yolks, adding salt and pepper and put in a double boiler. Then, while stirring, pour in the melted butter in a thin stream. Mix well and the sauce is ready. Garnish the poached egg with red caviar, thinly cut slices of the marinated salmon, the asparagus and the Hollandaise sauce. Sole in a butter sauce with capers recipe serves 2 persons; preparation time ~ 10 minutes; cooking time ~ 30 minutes Ingredients: 500 g. sole, 100 g. butter, 1 lemon, 1 tomato, 200 g. capers, fresh dill, pepper, salt. Directions: Make a small cut near the fish’s tail and, while holding it by the tail, carefully peel off the skin on both sides. Sprinkle the fish with salt and pepper and roll in the flour. Fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Then place the fish on an oven-safe dish and bake in the cooker at 180 degrees Celsius until done. To make the sauce, melt the butter and add salt. Then squeeze in half of the lemon. Remove the skin and the seeds from the tomato and finely chop. Add the chopped tomato to the sauce along with the capers. Fry in a pan for 5 minutes, then adding in the chopped dill. Serve the sole in butter sauce with boiled potatoes on the side. Melon «milfei» recipe serves 2 persons; preparation time ~ 10 minutes; cooking time ~ 10 minutes Ingredients: 1 orange, 1 grapefruit, 300 g. melon, 100 g. chocolate, 100 g. ice cream, shredded coconut, strawberries, gooseberries, fresh mint. Directions: Using a double boiler, melt the chocolate. Pour the melted chocolate into a frosting bag and squeeze out the chocolate onto wax paper in flat shapes. Then place the paper in the freezer so the chocolate can cool. Peel the grapefruit and orange and cut the fruit into wedges. Use a spoon to cut several circular chunks out of the melon. To make the coconut sauce, melt the ice cream in the double boiler and add in the shredded coconut. Mix. To give the dessert a tower-like form, alternately stack the slices of orange, grapefruit, chocolate and melon balls. Pour the coconut sauce on top and garnish with the strawberries, gooseberries and fresh mint leaves.

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