
Russian Fishing

The restaurant of active resort «Russian Fishing» is situated on Gulf of Finland bank 40 kilometers far from Saint-Petersburg. Wonderful weather, splendid cuisine, delicious home-brewed beer. The most special thrill is that anyone may catch fish for dinner! A trout and a salmo salar are found in artificial ponds and a crayfish creeps at the bottom. Hold spinning and go ahead! The presenter of RTG and experienced fisherman Igor Vukolov will be fishing, diving into frost river for crayfish, and afterwards together with the chief cook of the restaurant will tell how to make solyanka from sterlet and prepare crayfish. Lay in a pen and a paper, these recipes are worth writing down!   Recipe «Grilling trout» Recipe «Solyanka»   Grilling trout with ratatouille recipe serves 4 person; preparation time ~ 30 minutes; cooking time ~ 20 minutes Ingredients: 1 mean size trout, For marinade: 150 ml. white wine, 150 ml. soy sauce, 2 ginger roots, salt, pepper, 2 thyme twigs. For ratatouille: 1 eggplant, 1 courgette (zucchini), 1 onion, 1 carrot, salt, pepper, 2 garlic cloves, 3 tablespoon ketchup. Directions: Clean trout, cut off the head and cut into mean size steaks. Clean ginger root and finely grate it. Blend wine, soy sauce, ginger and thyme. Pepper and sprinkle with pepper and salt. Put steaks into marinade and leave for half an hour. Prepare ratatouille. Clean carrot and onion and finely chop them. Fry for 5-7 minutes in heated in advance frying pan. squeeze out a garlic clove into a pan, salt and pepper it, add 2 tablespoons of ketchup and roast for 10 minutes. Cut pepper, eggplant and courgette in dice and add them into a pan. Roast on strong fire until vegetables are ready-to-use. Add a spoon of ketchup and the second garlic clove in the end. Reduce fire and stew vegetables for 2-3 minutes. Put pickled steaks into grill grid and grill for 5-10 minutes. Solyanka recipe serves 4 persons; preparation time ~ 20 minutes; cooking time ~ 2 hours Ingredients: 1 kilo sterlet, 3 large onions, 2 tomatoes, 150 g. tomato paste, 2 carrots, 1 potato, 3 pickled cucumbers, capers, 10 olives. Directions: Cut off the head and all the horny outgrowth including thorns from the back, skin sterlet, detach the fillet. Left the fillet and all put remained head, bones and skin in a pan and fill with cold water. Put over medium heat. Boil bouillon for an hour and a half. Peel and finely chop onion. Julienne carrot. Fry onion and carrot to light golden. Scald and peel tomato, cut into large pieces and fry with tomato paste. Peel pickles and cut in dice. Cut potato in dice too. Blend carrot with onion, tomato with tomato paste and pickles with potato and simmer for 7-10 minutes. When bo uillon is ready add skillet-fried soup ingredients and sterlet fillet. Boil over medium heat for 10 minutes. Finely chop capers. Add capers and olives to solyanka. Turn off the fire, cover and leave to be done for half an hour.

Önemli Igor' Vukolov

Yıl 2010

Zaman 00:36:10

Önemli Igor' Vukolov

The restaurant of active resort «Russian Fishing» is situated on Gulf of Finland bank 40 kilometers far from Saint-Petersburg. Wonderful weather, splendid cuisine, delicious home-brewed beer. The most special thrill is that anyone may catch fish for dinner! A trout and a salmo salar are found in artificial ponds and a crayfish creeps at the bottom. Hold spinning and go ahead! The presenter of RTG and experienced fisherman Igor Vukolov will be fishing, diving into frost river for crayfish, and afterwards together with the chief cook of the restaurant will tell how to make solyanka from sterlet and prepare crayfish. Lay in a pen and a paper, these recipes are worth writing down!   Recipe «Grilling trout» Recipe «Solyanka»   Grilling trout with ratatouille recipe serves 4 person; preparation time ~ 30 minutes; cooking time ~ 20 minutes Ingredients: 1 mean size trout, For marinade: 150 ml. white wine, 150 ml. soy sauce, 2 ginger roots, salt, pepper, 2 thyme twigs. For ratatouille: 1 eggplant, 1 courgette (zucchini), 1 onion, 1 carrot, salt, pepper, 2 garlic cloves, 3 tablespoon ketchup. Directions: Clean trout, cut off the head and cut into mean size steaks. Clean ginger root and finely grate it. Blend wine, soy sauce, ginger and thyme. Pepper and sprinkle with pepper and salt. Put steaks into marinade and leave for half an hour. Prepare ratatouille. Clean carrot and onion and finely chop them. Fry for 5-7 minutes in heated in advance frying pan. squeeze out a garlic clove into a pan, salt and pepper it, add 2 tablespoons of ketchup and roast for 10 minutes. Cut pepper, eggplant and courgette in dice and add them into a pan. Roast on strong fire until vegetables are ready-to-use. Add a spoon of ketchup and the second garlic clove in the end. Reduce fire and stew vegetables for 2-3 minutes. Put pickled steaks into grill grid and grill for 5-10 minutes. Solyanka recipe serves 4 persons; preparation time ~ 20 minutes; cooking time ~ 2 hours Ingredients: 1 kilo sterlet, 3 large onions, 2 tomatoes, 150 g. tomato paste, 2 carrots, 1 potato, 3 pickled cucumbers, capers, 10 olives. Directions: Cut off the head and all the horny outgrowth including thorns from the back, skin sterlet, detach the fillet. Left the fillet and all put remained head, bones and skin in a pan and fill with cold water. Put over medium heat. Boil bouillon for an hour and a half. Peel and finely chop onion. Julienne carrot. Fry onion and carrot to light golden. Scald and peel tomato, cut into large pieces and fry with tomato paste. Peel pickles and cut in dice. Cut potato in dice too. Blend carrot with onion, tomato with tomato paste and pickles with potato and simmer for 7-10 minutes. When bo uillon is ready add skillet-fried soup ingredients and sterlet fillet. Boil over medium heat for 10 minutes. Finely chop capers. Add capers and olives to solyanka. Turn off the fire, cover and leave to be done for half an hour.

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