
Petersburg's smaller museums. Micro-miniatures

The Russian Levsha Museum of micro-miniatures may be the smallest of the small museums in St. Petersburg. Each of the exhibition pieces (without protective cases and stands) could easily fit on a standard postage stamp — nevertheless, the exposition space is over 30 square metres in area. As the naked eye is incapable of seeing all of the detail included in each work, each exhibition piece is equipped with a special optical system and lighting. Despite the museum’s small size, visitors tend to take their time carefully examining each display. One could easily spend hours studying the tiny masterpieces, returning time and again to compare their sizes and evaluate the complexity of the work.

Önemli Igor' Maksimenko

Yıl 2014

Zaman 00:13:53

Önemli Igor' Maksimenko

The Russian Levsha Museum of micro-miniatures may be the smallest of the small museums in St. Petersburg. Each of the exhibition pieces (without protective cases and stands) could easily fit on a standard postage stamp — nevertheless, the exposition space is over 30 square metres in area. As the naked eye is incapable of seeing all of the detail included in each work, each exhibition piece is equipped with a special optical system and lighting. Despite the museum’s small size, visitors tend to take their time carefully examining each display. One could easily spend hours studying the tiny masterpieces, returning time and again to compare their sizes and evaluate the complexity of the work.

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