Active Holiday

An Off-Road Tour of Karelia

Little region in the north of Russia Karelia attracts travelers with its lakes, waterfalls, scenic boulders and impenetrable forests. And with preserved monuments to ancient Karelia architecture and ethnic settlements of the Finns, the Veps and the Karelians. There are protected places in the Republic impossible to reach on foot or by means of usual transport. But tourists are privileged to discover something that isn't mentioned in a guide book! Those who are not afraid of lack of good roads are welcome at the «School of Jeeper». The presenter of RTG Ludmila Shiryaeva together with RTG TV photo contest winners took several lessons.

Önemli Lyudmila Shiryaeva

Yıl 2010

Zaman 00:35:08

Önemli Lyudmila Shiryaeva

Little region in the north of Russia Karelia attracts travelers with its lakes, waterfalls, scenic boulders and impenetrable forests. And with preserved monuments to ancient Karelia architecture and ethnic settlements of the Finns, the Veps and the Karelians. There are protected places in the Republic impossible to reach on foot or by means of usual transport. But tourists are privileged to discover something that isn't mentioned in a guide book! Those who are not afraid of lack of good roads are welcome at the «School of Jeeper». The presenter of RTG Ludmila Shiryaeva together with RTG TV photo contest winners took several lessons.

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