Science and the Enterprises

Domodedovo Airport

Domodedovo is the largest and most cutting edge airport in Russia. It serves more than 18 million passengers a year. Each day 500 aircrafts take off and land here. Air complex Domodedovo is the only one which may serve such a passenger giant as A-380. Cargo terminal is the largest in Russia. Any type of freight whether an elephant or a racing car may be sent to the most remote point of the world. Together with the presenter Timofej Zudin you will make an excursion through the airport Domodedovo. You will get to know what airplanes are processed with and why there are hawks and falcons.

Önemli Timofey Zudin

Yıl 2010

Zaman 00:33:09

Önemli Timofey Zudin

Domodedovo is the largest and most cutting edge airport in Russia. It serves more than 18 million passengers a year. Each day 500 aircrafts take off and land here. Air complex Domodedovo is the only one which may serve such a passenger giant as A-380. Cargo terminal is the largest in Russia. Any type of freight whether an elephant or a racing car may be sent to the most remote point of the world. Together with the presenter Timofej Zudin you will make an excursion through the airport Domodedovo. You will get to know what airplanes are processed with and why there are hawks and falcons.

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Science and the Enterprises

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