Active Holiday

Ascent to the Inzerskie zubchatki hills

From a distance the Ural Mountains may seem not so lofty. Yeah, they are not like the Alps or the Cordilleras, there are no pointed peaks. But among plane like table peaks of the Ural unusual for these places rocky reserves are found. One of them is the mountain ridge Inzerskie Zubchatki. From it's peak one can watch clods floating below. This unreal beauty takes any traveler's breath away, below at the foot of the rock there are forest and snow and overhead there are sky, sun and naked rocks, which resemble fairy dragon's teeth. To get there we changed various types of transport means: we leaved the settlement of Tirlyan by horses and jeeps, than we took snowmobiles, after that we went skiing and to the very peaks we had to got on foot. The itinerary isn't easy, but having risen under the clouds clutching at the stone ledges and hanging as gray shreds one can realize that it wasn't in vain and that better than mountains could be only mountains.

Önemli Andrey Ivanov

Yıl 2009

Zaman 00:23:42

Önemli Andrey Ivanov

From a distance the Ural Mountains may seem not so lofty. Yeah, they are not like the Alps or the Cordilleras, there are no pointed peaks. But among plane like table peaks of the Ural unusual for these places rocky reserves are found. One of them is the mountain ridge Inzerskie Zubchatki. From it's peak one can watch clods floating below. This unreal beauty takes any traveler's breath away, below at the foot of the rock there are forest and snow and overhead there are sky, sun and naked rocks, which resemble fairy dragon's teeth. To get there we changed various types of transport means: we leaved the settlement of Tirlyan by horses and jeeps, than we took snowmobiles, after that we went skiing and to the very peaks we had to got on foot. The itinerary isn't easy, but having risen under the clouds clutching at the stone ledges and hanging as gray shreds one can realize that it wasn't in vain and that better than mountains could be only mountains.

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